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      Rapid growth of renewable energy in China and rapid development of photovoltaic industry

      Date of issue:2018-05-02 00:00:00 author: Click:

      Rapid growth of renewable energy in China and rapid development of photovoltaic industry


      In October 17th, the conference of the 2017 International Renewable Energy Development Symposium and the global renewable energy development report and the 2016 China renewable energy development report were held in Beijing. The General Institute of hydropower and water conservancy planning and design ("the General Institute of Hydropower") and the International Energy Agency jointly released the 2016 year of the world and China. Renewable energy development report.

      Qi Chengyuan, deputy director of the national energy administration, pointed out at the conference that renewable energy technology and business model innovation will also diversify as the scale of renewable energy is further expanded. To grasp the international trends, to strengthen the understanding of the development of the renewable energy industry in China, to study the hot spots and focus issues in the development of the industry, to study the development trend and focus, is particularly necessary for the promotion of the healthy development of the industry. The annual report on the global and China renewable energy development will be issued by this conference, which will be published in this meeting. It is of great significance for the government, domestic and foreign organizations and enterprises to understand the development status, trends and hot spots of renewable energy industry.

      HeymiBahar, a senior expert on project manager of the International Energy Agency's renewable energy department, introduced the summary of the research results of the 2017 global renewable energy development report. He pointed out that green sustainable development has gradually become a global consensus. From the region, Asia Pacific countries are the fastest growing areas for renewable energy development, from energy sources. In view of the variety, the development of the photovoltaic industry is particularly rapid.

      Zheng Shengan, President of the hydropower General Institute, released the results of the "2016 China Renewable Energy Development Report". He said that after years of endeavor, China's renewable energy development has made remarkable achievements, and has become the largest renewable energy production and consumer country in the world. Meanwhile, renewable energy has also entered a stage of large scale incremental replacement and regional stock replacement. In the future, China's renewable energy development will change from "scale" to "upgrading quality and increasing efficiency".

      The global renewable energy development report and the 2016 China renewable energy development report, through rich examples and data, have thoroughly combed the hot spots in the industry and studied the development trend of renewable energy in the world and China, providing an important window for the relevant personnel at home and abroad to understand the development of the industry.

      In the mid and late 13th Five-Year, China's renewable energy will maintain a medium and high growth trend in the middle and late period of the "13th Five-Year", with a steady increase in power and electricity, a steady increase in wind power, a high growth rate of photovoltaic power, and a diversified utilization of biomass energy. The trend of head-on going forward, the use of new forms of renewable energy, such as photothermal power generation and geothermal energy, has been preliminarily large-scale demonstration.

      "By 2020, it is expected to break through 380 million kilowatts of electricity and electricity, 230 million kilowatts for wind power installed, 160 million kilowatts for photovoltaic power plants, 15 million kilowatts for biomass power generation, and more than 15% of non fossil energy in the proportion of energy consumption." Zheng Shengan also pointed out.

      It is necessary to mention that the conference has established the international and China Renewable Energy Development Report for the first time, and has become another important measure to strengthen international cooperation in the field of renewable energy in China. It will play an important role in promoting the sustainable and healthy development of renewable energy in China.

      URL of this article:http://www.fictionfulloffaith.com/en/news/384.html

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