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      By 2020, the comprehensive utilization rate of straw will reach 85%

      Date of issue:2018-04-28 00:00:00 author: Click:

      By 2020, the comprehensive utilization rate of straw will reach 85%

      General Office of the national development and Reform Commission, the general office of the Ministry of agriculture and the State Energy Bureau

      Guiding opinions on the construction of clean energy utilization project for straw gasification

      Change the ring capital [2017] No. 2143


      Relevant provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, the development and Reform Commission of the General Administration of agriculture and reclamation of Heilongjiang Province, the Department of agriculture (Committee, office, bureau) and the Energy Bureau (Office):

      In order to carry out the spirit of the nineteen meeting of the party, vigorously promote the construction of ecological civilization, the strategy of Rural Revitalization and the rural energy revolution, carry out the construction of straw gasification clean energy utilization project, expand the rural clean energy supply channel, promote the comprehensive utilization of straw utilization and industrialization, and complete the "13th Five-Year" straw synthesis. The following suggestions are made using the target task.

      1. The importance of implementing straw gasification and clean energy utilization project

      (1) the implementation of straw gasification and clean energy utilization project is an important starting point to improve the comprehensive utilization rate of straw. The clean energy utilization project of straw gasification is an agroforestry waste with crop straw as the main raw material, using the pyrolysis gasification or anaerobic fermentation technology to produce multi production projects such as thermal gas, biogas (heat, electricity), bio carbon (fertilizer), biogas fertilizer or oil. In 2017, the government work report proposed to accelerate the comprehensive utilization of straw. The goal of "13th Five-Year" straw comprehensive utilization is arduous. By 2020, the comprehensive utilization rate of straw should reach 85%, which is nearly 5 percentage points higher than that in 2015. On the basis of insisting on agricultural priority, straw fodder and fertilizer utilization, the clean energy utilization project of straw gasification can be carried out, and the comprehensive utilization channel can be further expanded and the comprehensive utilization rate of straw can be improved.

      (two) the implementation of straw gasification and clean energy utilization project is an important way for the supply of clean energy in rural areas. The State Council Office of the office of the State Council on the strategic action plan for the development of energy development (2014-2020) (No. 31 of State Office [2014]) proposed that the energy production and consumption revolution should be promoted, new cities and towns, new energy and new life action plans should be implemented to promote the reform of rural energy use. At present, the contradiction between the supply and demand of clean energy in rural areas is still outstanding. The living energy of rural areas is still mainly straw, firewood and coal, and the combustion efficiency is low and the pollution is serious. Adjusting the local conditions to promote the utilization of clean energy in straw gasification can improve the rural energy infrastructure, optimize the energy consumption structure in rural areas and raise the level of energy consumption in rural areas.

      (three) the implementation of straw gasification and clean energy utilization project is an effective way to solve the outstanding environmental problems. In 2016, the law on the prevention and control of air pollution revised by the National People's Congress stipulated that the agricultural recycling economy should be developed, the support for the comprehensive disposal of waste was increased, and the dust pollution caused by the burning of straw and deciduous leaves in the open air was prohibited. At present, the phenomenon of illegal burning of straw has been repeatedly banned, and the phenomenon of arbitrary abandonment has occurred frequently, resulting in intensified environmental pollution in some areas. Through promoting the utilization of straw gasification clean energy and promoting the industrialization development of straw comprehensive utilization, it can effectively reduce straw burning and waste of resources, improve the quality of regional ecological environment and improve the well-being of people's livelihood


      Two. General requirements

      (1) the general idea. In order to accelerate the comprehensive utilization of straw and improve the rural energy supply system, the spirit of the nineteen major conferences of the party is carried out and guided by the five major development ideas of "innovation, coordination, green, open and sharing". The integration of production, life and industrial system will bring the leading role of leading enterprises into full play, promote the clean heating in the main grain and cotton producing areas and northern regions in winter, promote the comprehensive utilization of straw and industrialization, and promote the goal of the comprehensive utilization of straw in 2020.

      (two) basic principles.

      - adhere to regional co-ordination and adapt to local conditions. According to the local straw species and production, the status of comprehensive utilization of straw and development conditions, social and economic development level, rural clean energy demand, overall planning and rational layout.

      - insisting on focusing and concentrating on construction. Focusing on the ecological civilization test area, the pilot demonstration area, the circular economy demonstration city (county), the green energy demonstration county and the agricultural sustainable development test demonstration area, the centralized residential area of the township residents is centrally built, and the whole county is promoted.

      - insisting on government promotion and market operation. Adhere to the government support guidance, take the enterprise as the main body, implement the project of straw gasification clean energy utilization project, fully play the role of the market allocation of resources, form a clean energy supply system in rural areas, build the interest chain, and achieve multi win.

      - insisting on scientific and technological innovation and strengthening support. We should encourage the combination of production, teaching and research, strengthen technological independent innovation, popularize advanced and applied mature technology and equipment, and upgrade the level of industrial technology and equipment.

      (three) the overall goal. By 2020, a number of straw gasification clean energy utilization was built in the county, and the comprehensive utilization rate of straw in the region was over 85%, effectively replacing the rural coal powder and supplying public facilities such as rural and township schools, hospitals and nursing homes for heating and cleaning gas.


      Three, key tasks

      (1) scientifically plan and layout according to resource endowment. According to the characteristics of agricultural production and the demand for clean energy, and based on the endowment of straw resources and the level of social and economic development, the project of clean energy utilization of straw gasification in the northern winter heating area and the main grain and cotton producing province (District) is planned. The counties (districts and cities) with large straw yield, strong utilization ability and good basic conditions are selected as the implementation county, the project is formulated scientifically, the layout of the project is rationally planned, the gas, the warm and warm, the construction of the straw gasification clean energy utilization project will be promoted in a large scale, and the pattern of "gathering stars into the moon" is constructed.

      (two) reasonable selection of technological processes to ensure the full use of end products. Straw gasification technology mainly includes straw pyrolysis gasification and straw biogas. The implementation county should choose the technological route according to its own actual situation, the biomass gas production and purification equipment can adapt to the agricultural and forestry waste with straw as the main raw material, the biomass gas should meet the corresponding standard, can meet the rural residents' cooking heating demand, and should choose in technology, capital, operation and management and so on. As the subject of project implementation, the leading enterprises with strong strength will ensure the feasibility and safety of biomass gas into farmers, industrial boilers, gas generation and other technical schemes, and a rational supporting system of biological charcoal, tar, wood vinegar, biogas slurry and other by-products should be used to ensure the full profit of the terminal products. It can avoid two pollution and improve the efficiency of the project.

      (three) strict implementation of standards to ensure project quality. Strictly fulfill the legal project construction procedures and relevant standards and standards, standardize the bidding behavior, implement the main responsibility of the quality of the project construction, and effectively strengthen the quality supervision through the whole process of planning, construction and operation.  The preparatory work is solid, and the procedures for filing, planning, land, environmental impact assessment, safety assessment and capital certification are complete. The collection, storage and transportation of raw materials and products of the project shall meet the requirements of relevant regulations, regulations and regulations. The environmental protection laws, regulations, standards and relevant regulations promulgated by the state and local administrations must be carried out.

      (four) innovate the operation mechanism and promote the development of industrialization. To establish and improve the industrial development mechanism of government guidance, market main body and multi party participation, attract social capital investment, cultivate a batch of marketable operating main body, improve the standardization and standardization level of the construction of straw gasification clean energy utilization project, and improve the market-oriented and long-term mechanism and policy support. We should strengthen the straw gasification and clean energy utilization industry, and promote the optimization of straw comprehensive utilization industrial structure, quality and efficiency.

      (five) relying on the new business entities, improving the collection and storage system. In order to accelerate the cultivation of professional talent team and social service organization for straw collection and storage, the problem of low and low equipment and low equipment level has been accelerated. According to the regional industrial layout and the status of space-time distribution of straw, it is necessary to build a standardization place for straw storage, to set up the specialized equipment for straw storage and transportation, to improve the incentive measures, to establish and perfect the full coverage service network system in the region, to gradually form the storage and supply energy of the commercialized straw, and to make use of the straw gasification for the clean energy utilization. The process provides a strong guarantee.


      Four. Safeguard measures

      (1) to strengthen organizational leadership. Local development and reform, agriculture and energy departments should cooperate closely in accordance with the functional division of labor, give full play to the role of overall coordination and coordination mechanism of straw comprehensive utilization, and jointly study and determine the implementation of the counties with high enthusiasm and relevant conditions. The implementation plan of the project for the utilization of clean energy for straw gasification (hereinafter referred to as the implementation plan) is actively prepared by the implementation of the county people's government, combining the local resource endowment and energy demand. We should do a good job in overall planning and organization and coordination, conscientiously organize the implementation, make the leaders in place, be responsible to the people, have clear goals, and focus on the main objectives and key tasks of the implementation plan, set up the assessment system according to the year level, and strengthen the assessment of the target.

      (two) to increase support. The State Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of agriculture and the State Energy Bureau will strengthen the overall coordination and demonstration guidance, increase support and promote the construction of clean energy utilization projects for straw gasification. The Ministry of Agriculture established an expert committee to provide technical guidance to the implementation of the straw gasification clean energy utilization project, and regularly organize experts to track and evaluate the implementation of the county construction; the State Energy Bureau coordinates the energy authorities of the related provinces (districts and cities) to do a good job of straw gasification power generation access to the power grid, according to the renewable energy law and phase. According to the regulations, the power grid enterprises will fully purchase straw gasification and generate electricity. Relevant departments at the provincial level should strengthen supervision and inspection of the implementation of the county so as to ensure that the county achieves its expected goals. The relevant departments of the county should actively strive for the preferential policies for the utilization of clean energy in the region, the substitution of coal, the prohibition of straw burning and the comprehensive utilization of the straw gasification project, so as to provide policy guarantee for the sustainable operation of the project and further mobilize the enthusiasm of the enterprises to participate.

      (three) to do a good job of safe production. The management departments at all levels should carry out the responsibility of safety supervision, establish and improve the closed loop management mechanism of the safety hidden trouble investigation and control, strengthen the supervision and inspection of the hidden danger of the straw gasification clean and use projects, and organize regular supervision and inspection. To urge enterprises to formulate emergency plans, to implement the responsibility of the main body of safety production, to clear the job responsibilities, to refine the operating regulations, to strengthen the education management of the employees and the publicity and training of the users, to consciously check the hidden dangers of management and to ensure the safety of production.

      (four) summing up and popularizing the application. The provinces (districts and cities) should promptly summarize the progress of the construction of clean energy utilization projects for straw gasification, form an annual report, and submit to the relevant departments of the national development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of agriculture to summarize the successful experience in time, set up the advanced typical examples, carry out propaganda and promotion in the whole country, guide the masses with technology and use the instructions. Fan drives the masses, attracts the masses with efficiency, and gradually improves the knowledge level of the whole society on the utilization of straw gasification and clean energy.



      Office of the national development and Reform Commission

      Office of the Ministry of Agriculture

      Office of National Energy Bureau

      December 28, 2017

      URL of this article:http://www.fictionfulloffaith.com/en/news/374.html

      Related tags:StrawsupplierfromHenanto2020

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