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      Chinese manufacture must have long tassel in hand

      Date of issue:2018-04-28 00:00:00 author: Click:

      Chinese manufacture must have long tassel in hand

      Many ministries jointly promote the establishment of national innovation platform, clear China's lead organization international scientific planning and scientific project "three step" development goals, deepen the "Internet plus" development of advanced manufacturing industry...... For some time, the state has intensified policies and measures to encourage technological innovation, highlighting the importance and urgency of innovation driven.

      The core technology is the biggest "life door" of China's manufacturing development. It must be held in its own hands, and it will not be controlled by others. This is the measure to guarantee the national economic security and build the foundation of development. Since the founding of new China, especially since the reform and opening up, China has built a complete industrial system and industrial supporting capacity. Since the eighteen Party's major, the national strategic position driven by innovation has become increasingly prominent, and a number of important scientific and technological achievements have been blowout, and innovation has become an important driving force for the development of China, making a solid foundation for China's manufacturing towards the middle and the high end.

      Standing on the new starting point, facing the complex international competition situation, the industrial change of the wind and the clouds, the opportunity of development is fleeting, we need more innovative development than ever before. Only if we truly understand the profound connotation of "science and technology are the foundation of national prosperity, the soul of innovation is the soul of national progress", strengthen the sense of crisis, make solid innovation and hold the long tassel of high tech achievements firmly in hand, so as to promote the greater space of China's manufacturing in the world high end value industry chain.

      The day is new and the day is new. Firmly holding the core technology independent innovation, the "cattle nose", we must break down the obstacles to the institutional mechanism that restrict innovation, make the enterprise innovation fully surging, and protect the achievements of scientific and technological innovation, maximize the formation of scientific and technological innovation, and speed up the key key scientific and technological problems that break through the national economy and the people's livelihood and the lifeblood of the economy.

      In the process of moving from a big manufacturing country to a powerful manufacturing country, we must adhere to the open development, mutual benefit and win-win situation. We must also keep in mind that the core technology depends on the relationship. We must rely on self reliance.

      Only the reformers are the only innovators, but the innovators of reform. Practice tells us that self reliance is the basis of struggle for the Chinese nation to stand in the forest of nations in the world. Dare to walk the way others do not walk, the courage to create the world trend of scientific and technological achievements, let innovation truly become the first driving force, Chinese manufacturing will be able to see rainbows after the wind and rain.


      URL of this article:http://www.fictionfulloffaith.com/en/news/368.html

      Related tags:ChinamanufacturingsuppliersinHenan

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