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      Machinery and instruments top the list of professional requirements

      Date of issue:2018-04-28 00:00:00 author: Click:

      Machinery and instruments top the list of professional requirements

      In February 9th, the talent mobility service center of Jiangsu province released the demand for university graduates this year. 10 major needs are also announced. Among them, mechanical and instrumentation majors ranked the top of the demand with a total of 27257 people, with demand exceeding second marketing professionals. In 2005, this profession was also ranked first in demand. This indicates that Jiangsu, as a "manufacturing province" in China, is still in great demand for such talents.

      According to the introduction, the ten most popular major categories are machinery and instruments, marketing, information and electronics, management, computer and application, civil engineering, chemical and pharmaceutical, medical and health, education and economy. In 2006, the province expects 196 thousand and 800 college graduates.

      While announces hot specialties, Jiangsu has also issued early warning to some oversupply professionals. Obvious oversupply has been seen in management, finance, economics, accounting and law.

      The statistics of the education department in Jiangsu province show that the number of college graduates in Jiangsu is expected to have 286 thousand people this year, which is quite different from the total number of 196 thousand and 800 students expected to meet the needs of the province this year. Even if some graduates choose to take a postgraduate entrance examination and go abroad, they will choose to be employed in the province and support the western region in the 2006. There is still a lot of pressure on the employment of the graduates.

      It is understood that this year, the personnel department of Jiangsu province will carry out a series of measures to promote the employment of university graduates. Such as improving the system of university graduates' demand and employment receiving information; establishing the regional graduates' market for graduates in the province; implementing the return plan of the outstanding college graduates of Jiangsu, setting up 100 probation bases for the graduates of provincial colleges and universities, promoting the introduction of the reward system for the outstanding graduates, the mandatory placement system for the difficult graduates and so on.


      URL of this article:http://www.fictionfulloffaith.com/en/news/365.html

      Related tags:Henanmachineryandinstrumentsuppliers

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